Root One Performance CIC

Root One Performance CIC

Bronze level member
Member since 06/12/2022
38, Balniel Walk
About us
Root One Performance's aim is to run athletic development sessions which improve fundamental movement, strength, flexibility, coordination, speed, and balance. The difference these sessions will make is we want children to be able to enjoy sport and we want to bring opportunities in sport. We want to be able to achieve this by making our sessions enjoyable but packed with professional tips and information that the children and the parents can take home and use to advance their child's sporting ability and career. Various studies have proven that when children are able to move better they enjoy sport more. This means once they enjoy it they can then be able to allow sport to lead on to become their job, and gain friends through sport. in addition to this the children are learning life skills and a sense of belonging. The local community will benefit from this because there will be an increase in paid work for coaches which will be sourced locally and less children on the street.